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The above is my tracking sheet of places within your bodyfield where energy is compromised.  At no point on this human journey, except for the moment before birth and the moment of ‘death’ are all data points completely balanced.  (Body parts/areas not highlighted are more efficient.)  However, the closer to balance the energies/percentages are, the more YOU are expressing the uniqueness of you in this incarnation. 


I read the body and its energies symbolically, like a map.  This is like taking a ‘snapshot’ of your energetic bodyfield in a moment.  (Energy is constantly moving – even if it is very dense and slow.)  It is not a report card of how well you are (or are not), but rather it portrays how efficiently your energy is able to flow unimpeded within your body and the field that surrounds it.  This flow of energy determines your state of health and balance.


When you are in Energetic Balance with yourself, you are in balance with your Source Energy, the essence of you and you cease to have any personal turmoil or suffering.  This leads to increasing health and peace. When you are emotionally healthy and peaceful you are able to access your spiritual self and heart intelligence/soul easily.  Ninety percent of what happens with me is up to you.  I am the facilitator to help you find your answers.  The actual healing, releasing and changing is done by YOU.



There is a tone or vibrational frequency that your unique body is ‘pushing out’ to the universe consistently.  When I track/read your energy, I am tapping into this vibrational message (a bit like hearing your music from your radio station).  I sense discordant ‘music’ as energy that is not flowing optimally.  Since it is natural for energy to move, not doing so creates energetic compromise in the human bodyfield (within the physical body or the field of energy that surrounds it).  Leaks, stagnation or conscription of energy create dis-ease, dys-function or dis-comfort.  With your ‘permission’, I am able to track more deeply into the body’s cells, tissues and organs to locate the initiating factors of discordance.  I am less interested in your symptoms or ‘diagnosis’ than I am in the precipitating cause that got you to this compromised energetic state! 


You are made of the same energy as the universe and its innate intelligence.  You manage energy by ‘who’ you are being.  We often forget our magnificence, our divinity, our perfection and accept or create belief systems (thoughts and emotions) in our subconscious that manifest in physical discomfort or dis-ease.  We give our power away to those belief systems.  Energy is all there is.  Matter follows energy.  When your energies are vibrant, so is your body.


Humans function on four levels at all times.  Your Soul is designed to express its perfection through the Physical body by passing through the Emotional and Mental vibrations.  If these two are flowing efficiently, the Physical body exhibits a state of health/balance.  If there are thoughts or emotions that are dissonant, the Soul/Spirit is unable to exhibit perfection in the Physical body…and instead there is dis-comfort, dys-function or eventually, dis-ease.


The core issue in your bodyfield’s energetic compromise is a reversed Bladder meridian (energy channel).  Bladder meridian is designed to govern the energy of trust, but when it is compromised, there is typically a sense of futility or fright that become omnipresent.  To protect you from experiencing too much of these emotions, the body drops the channel deeper into the body…eventually reversing it.  If this lasts a short time, it’s a positive, supportive step.  If it lasts too long, the body begins to send signals to other parts so you will take notice…and change.


The Lung meridian is the ‘yin’ partner of the ‘yang’ Bladder meridian.  Typically, when there is a Bladder energy imbalance, there is also a residual Lung energy imbalance.  This can be tracked in your energy in a trauma at your left lung (something happened that ‘took your breath away – good or bad!), and the electrical incoherency (in the Lung).  There is also an imbalance in the rhythmic body.  This controls all of the rhythms…breathing, circulation, etc.  In addition, your penetrating radiant circuit (an extra reservoir of energy so you have deep and full access) is depleted.  You have used all of the excess up!!


Many of the imbalances are manifesting in connective tissue in your body.  One of the major functions of connective tissue is to connect tissues and organs so they can commune with one another. If this connection is not strong, messaging does not flow optimally.  When energetic flow is erratic, the body loses its innate ability to heal.


There is one environmental priority (something your bodyfield is trying to repair) that is manifesting in the mediastinum.  This is the central compartment of the thoracic cavity surrounded by loose connective tissue, a region that contains a group of structures within the thorax. The mediastinum contains the heart and its vessels, the esophagus, the trachea, nerves, the thoracic duct, the thymus and the lymph nodes of the central chest.  (Keep in mind that the connective tissue is like a finely tuned electrical system with many data points in your bodyfield.)


WHAT CAN WE DO?  The human body, the template or circuit board, is electro-chemical.  There are trillions of electrical circuits connecting throughout your body.  I have tracked two webs of information that need holographic reprogramming within the template of your bodyfield.  There are 26 compromises in your bodyfield that require clearing/balancing.  The goal of holographic reprogramming is to identify the ‘puzzle’ pieces that have been disturbed within the bodyfield and are now linked, like a web, to other issues, creating dis-ease, dis-comfort, dys-function, etc (so they can be shifted to a more coherent vibration within your bodyfield).  Connections are identified by the number of holographic ‘bits’ (puzzle pieces in parentheses) that require reprogramming (of the billions that are within the bodyfield).


Holographic reprogramming:

  1. Frequency of water in the cells (9)

    1. Bladder meridian (BL)

    2. Growth

      1. F#20 (fine-tunes the matrix)

  2. Psychic coherency (9)

    1. BL

    2. Growth

      1. F#28 (integrates chakra energy)

      2. F#20

  3. Blood flow (9)

    1. BL

    2. Growth

      1. F#20

  4. Alignment with Universal Energy (9)

    1. BL

    2. Growth

      1. F#20

  5. Soul vibration (9)

    1. Large intestine meridian (LI)

    2. Elimination

    3. Breathing

      1. F#20

  6. Endocrine balance (9)

    1. LI

    2. Worry

    3. Breathing

      1. F#20

  7. CSF (9)

    1. LI

    2. Worry

      1. F#20

  8. Body/soul balance (9)

    1. Gallbladder meridian (GB)

    2. Boundaries

      1. F#21 (soul retrieval)

      2. F#20

  9. Chemical coherency/Bladder (9)

    1. LI

    2. Worry

      1. F#20

  10. Imbalance/Rhythmic body (9)

    1. LI

    2. Worry

      1. F#20

  11. 5th chakra (9)

    1. GB

    2. Movement

    3. Stress

      1. F#20

  12. Electrical coherency/LU (9)

    1. BL

    2. Growth

      1. F#20

  13. Brain chemistry (9)

    1. BL

    2. Growth

      1. F#20

  14. Life force (9)

    1. BL

    2. Growth

      1. F#20

  15. Ethmoid (9)      

    1. LI

    2. Nourishment

      1. F#20

  16. Trauma @left lung (9)

    1. Spleen meridian (SP)

    2. Worry

    3. Elimination

      1. F#20


  1. Right calcaneus (1)

    1. LI

    2. Nourishment

      1. F#20

  2. Cranial alignment (1)

    1. BL

    2. Growth

      1. F#20

  3. Coherency of upper limbs (1)

    1. LI

      1. F#20

  4. Coherency of lower limbs (1)

    1. LI

      1. F#20

  5. Coherency of upper torso (1)

    1. LI

    2. Worry

      1. F#20

  6. 2nd chakra (1)

    1. LI

    2. Worry

      1. F#20

  7. Sacrospinalis @L1 (1)

    1. LI

    2. Worry

      1. F#20

  8. Environmental Priority/home (1)

    1. LI

    2. Nourishment

      1. F#20

  9. Penetrating radiant circuit (1)

    1. LI

    2. Nourishment

    3. Sinuses

      1. F#20

  10. Bladder meridian/reversed (1)

    1. LI

    2. Nourishment

    3. Worry

      1. F#3 (coherence)

      2. F#28

      3. Invert social based memes (7)

      4. F#20

      5. F#9 (spiritual cleanser)

      6. F#20


Reading the ‘reprogramming’:  Together we are peeling the layers of the bodyfield, much like peeling an onion… from the outside to the inside, to the core issue.  Look at the last item that has been addressed – the reversed Bladder meridian.  This is the first place/issue where energy began slowing down or conscripting. 


For each item, there is a meridian (energy channel noted in ‘a’) noted as meridians are the way energy moves throughout the bodyfield.  Any related issues follow.  Downloads of energetic support or assistance are in the next indent (i, ii, etc) typically ending with a frequency (often F#20) that allows that portion of the new holographic program to ‘run’ (like writing and running a new computer program). 


One single crystalline bit of energy became disturbed in the coherency, way that the cells were talking to one another.  The energy that was affected then began to change a bit like domino patterns….one falls and in your bodyfield, it knocks down more in other places.  Although it appears that there are many compromises, a single issue can confuse the energy and its ability to flow optimally.  Since the human body is simply a ‘map of consciousness’, if you do not ‘pay attention’ when the first energy goes awry, the message gets bigger/louder until you pay attention!


Three of the above compromises (noted in red) are manifesting emotionally in your bodyfield.  Typically, this means that emotions are trapped in your body’s cell memory.  It is important to release as many ‘trapped emotions’ as possible so the energy flows optimally.  I have addressed each.

  • 2nd chakra

    • Released inherited (from father) trapped emotion of ‘self-abuse’

    • Uploaded emotion of Hope

  • Soul vibration

    • Released trapped emotion of ‘grief’

    • Uploaded emotion of Generosity

  • Environmental Priority

    • Released trapped emotion of ‘terror’

    • Released trapped emotion of ‘without conviction’

    • Uploaded emotion of Calmness


It is important to understand that with every significant change of energy, there is a reset…like a shaking up of the old, before a new pattern and template can be firmly grounded and activated. The way to handle this is to treat yourself more gently. As the new energetic patterns are established, the effects will continue in a positive way.  Instead of things ‘falling apart’, you must believe that ‘things are falling together’!


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