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Education and Training


I spent nearly thirty years teaching, practicing and researching the importance and impact of environments in early childhood and elementary education. Only when my own health was compromised did I shift my focus to exploring each individual's 'immediate' environment in which s/he lived - the human bodyfield.


There is a field of energy that surrounds your body and is uniquely yours. This bodyfield of energy holds the key to the health or state of balance of your physical body - as the physical is simply a map of consciousness.  It reflects what you think and how you express emotions.


My work with clients employs a simple approach. I focus on the unique ways in which your energy moves or is compromised within your own bodyfield so the energy can be  adjusted and restored to greater balance and integrity.


This approach includes reprogramming the crystalline holographic matrix and effectively addresses physical, mental, emotional and 'soul' or spiritual patterns that compromise the full manifestation of your inner divine self.


I have and continue to study with and integrate the wisdom proposed by Matrix Energetics (Richard Bartlett), Eden Energy Medicine (Donna Eden and David Feinstein), CMED/Archetypal Consulting (Caroline Myss), Innergetics (Hector Garcia), Conscious Systems (Mark Dunn), Perelandra (Machaelle Small Wright) and Deena Spear (Ears of the Angels).   I have also studied Traditional Chinese Medicine's Five Element Theory with Nan Lu, OMD, and Rudolf Steiner's theories of Anthroposophy and astrology.


I stand in deepest honor and awe of the commitments of these pioneers to their own 'inner selves', maneuvering not just their journeys, but guiding others and thus enriching and enhancing my own!


A very special thank the many, many children whose little feet have crossed countless doorways into elementary classrooms, preschools, and child care centers for teaching me why adults should be vigilant when children are in their presence. I have learned more from observing your innocent loving, your unquestioned giving, and your constant sense of wonder and delight than any book, course, or workshop has taught me in my 60+ years!


Warm blessings of love and light to you all!


And to my friend, partner and husband of 49 years, I love you Bill Koehler... to heaven and back....


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